Danland Blokhus - Blokhus Holiday Center (formerly Holiday Center North Sea) Holiday center with i.a.
subtropical water park with water slide, fitness & amp; wellness plus sand, water and dunes located right outside the door. Watch movies on YouTube. About Blokhus Holiday Center Fantastic location by the beach and in the middle of the city Just outside the holiday center, Northern Europe's best beach stretches from Rødhus in the south to Løkken in the north. From the holiday center you can enjoy a fantastic view over the impressive sea, and behind the dune range is a magnificent plantation landscape that is as created for the family's walks. Subtropical water park in Blokhus One of the highlights of the holiday is without a doubt the subtropical water park. Here you can frolic in the waves, no matter what the weather gods offer. Feel the rush down the large water slide, swim some lanes in the gym or relax in the spa pool, sauna, solarium or pool bar. Fitness and wellness At Danland in Blokhus, there is no excuse for not staying in shape during the holidays. The holiday center has its very own fitness center with all the necessary training equipment and machines. Are you more into relaxation and wellness, then visit the holiday center's relaxation area with i.a. whirlpool, Turkish steam bath and several pools with various types of water massage. Call and hear more on tel. 9824 9333. Opening hours and entrance to fitness and wellness Due. Covid-19 has changed opening hours as follows: Monday & # 8211; Friday: at 15.00 & # 8211; 20.00 Saturday & # 8211; Sunday: at 12.00 & # 8211; 18.00 1 visit to fitness / wellness DKK 75.00, 1 visit to wellness DKK 50.00, 3 day card DKK 100.00, 7 day card DKK 200.00, 10 tour cards DKK 425, 00 Lots of activities in Blokhus, all year round Enjoy the summer on Danland in the West Coast's most famous holiday town, Blokhus. Take a stroll among the cozy sidewalk cafes, restaurants and small shops. Blockhouse is at least as attractive outside the summer period. At Easter you can e.g. participate in Forest To The Bay,