Frequently asked questions about holiday in Aubel
What holiday homes are available in Aubel, Belgium?

There are a variety of holiday homes available in Aubel, Belgium, ranging from self-catering apartments to luxury villas. 

What activities can be enjoyed in and around Aubel during a holiday?

There are plenty of activities to be enjoyed during a holiday in and around Aubel, including cycling, walking, golf, fishing, swimming, and visiting historical sites. 

What kind of cuisine can be found in Aubel?

Aubel offers a wide variety of traditional Belgian cuisine, as well as recipes from around the world. 

Are there any special events held in Aubel during the holidays?

Yes, there are a variety of special events held in Aubel during the holidays such as parades, concerts, and markets. 


Does Aubel have any attractions suitable for children?

Yes, there are several attractions in Aubel which are suitable for children, such as a mini-golf course, an animal park, and a playground.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020