Frequently asked questions about holiday in Houthalen Helchteren
What activities can I do during my holiday in Houthalen Helchteren?

During your holiday in Houthalen Helchteren, you can explore the city and its attractions, enjoy outdoor activities such as cycling and walking, visit the nearby nature reserves, take part in sports such as golf and fishing, and explore the local culture and cuisine.

Are there holiday homes available in Houthalen Helchteren?

Yes, there are several holiday homes available in Houthalen Helchteren. You can find a range of holiday homes, from luxury villas to cozy cottages, that suit any budget and offer all the amenities you need for a comfortable stay.

How close is Houthalen Helchteren to Brussels?

Houthalen Helchteren is approximately a one-hour drive from Brussels.

Is there public transportation in Houthalen Helchteren?

Yes, there is a regular bus service operating in Houthalen Helchteren. The bus operates from the Houthalen Helchteren train station and provides connections to nearby cities and towns.

Are there restaurants and bars in Houthalen Helchteren?

Yes, there are several restaurants and bars in Houthalen Helchteren. The city has a diverse range of eateries and bars, offering a variety of culinary experiences.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020