Frequently asked questions about holiday in Lille
What are the most popular attractions in Lille?

The top attractions in Lille include Grand Place, the Notre Dame de la Treille Cathedral, the Citadel of Lille, the Museum of Fine Arts, the Palais des Beaux-Arts, and the Lille Zoo.


What are the best areas to stay in Lille?

The best areas to stay in Lille are the city center and Vieux Lille, as well as the areas around the Grand Place, the Citadel, and the Old Stock Exchange.

What is the best time to visit Lille?

The best time to visit Lille is during the summer, from May to September, when temperatures are mild, and the city is full of life and activities.

What is the closest airport to Lille?

The closest airport to Lille is Lille Lesquin International Airport, located 8 kilometers south of the city center.

Are there any holiday homes available to rent in Lille?

Yes, many holiday homes are available to rent in Lille, ranging from traditional apartments to modern villas.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020