Frequently asked questions about holiday in Oud Turnhout
What activities are available near holiday homes in Oud Turnhout?

Holiday homes in Oud Turnhout offer easy access to a range of activities, including walking and cycling routes, fishing, golfing, and a variety of cultural and historical attractions.

Are there restaurants and shops nearby holiday homes in Oud Turnhout?

Yes, holiday homes in Oud Turnhout provide easy access to grocery stores, restaurants and other shops.


Are there public transportation options available from holiday homes in Oud Turnhout?

Yes, there are public transportation options available from holiday homes in Oud Turnhout, including buses, trains, and taxis.

Is there an airport nearby holiday homes in Oud Turnhout?

Yes, the closest airport to holiday homes in Oud Turnhout is Brussels International Airport, located approximately 50 km away.

What is the weather like in Oud Turnhout?

Oud Turnhout has a temperate climate, with warm summers and cold winters. The average temperature in summer is around 21°C and the average temperature in winter is around 3°C.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020