Frequently asked questions about holiday in Zingem
Where is Zingem located?

Zingem is a municipality located in the province of East Flanders, Belgium.

What are the popular attractions in Zingem?

Popular attractions in Zingem include Kasteeldomein Zingem, Zingemse Molen, and the Zingem Golf Course.

What types of holiday homes are available in Zingem?

Holiday homes available in Zingem include self-catering holiday homes, apartments, and villas.

What activities can I do while on holiday in Zingem?

Activities available while on holiday in Zingem include golfing, cycling, walking, exploring the local attractions, and shopping.


What is the best time of year to visit Zingem?

The best time of year to visit Zingem is between April and October when the weather is warm and sunny.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020