Frequently asked questions about holiday in Antibes
What is the best time to visit Antibes, France?

The best time to visit Antibes, France, is between April and October, as the summer months bring warm weather and fewer crowds.

What activities can I do while visiting Antibes?

While visiting Antibes, visitors can explore its historic Old Town and sites, visit nearby attractions such as the medieval city of Monaco or the Picasso Museum, soak up the sun on the town's beaches, or take a day trip to the nearby French Riviera.

Where can I find holiday homes in Antibes?

There are plenty of holiday homes available for rent in Antibes. You can search for the perfect holiday home on websites such as Airbnb, VRBO, or HomeAway.

What is the average cost of a holiday home in Antibes?

The average cost of a holiday home in Antibes depends on the size of the house, its location, and amenities. Generally, holiday homes in Antibes range from around €75 to €250 per night.

Are there any unique shopping experiences available in Antibes?

Yes! Antibes has a vibrant shopping scene with plenty of unique stores and boutiques to explore. From antiques and handicrafts to jewelry and art, there is something for everyone in the quaint shops of Antibes.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020