Frequently asked questions about holiday in Frejus
What are the most popular attractions in Frejus, France?

The most popular attractions in Frejus, France include the Roman amphitheater, the Canal de Frejus, the Provencal market, the Citadel of Frejus, and the Aqualand waterpark.




What kind of holiday accommodation is available in Frejus?

Holiday accommodation in Frejus includes hotels, resorts, apartments, villas, and holiday homes.

What activities can be enjoyed in Frejus?

Popular activities in Frejus include cycling, hiking, sailing, fishing, kayaking, and swimming.

What is the weather like in Frejus?

Frejus typically has mild temperatures throughout the year, with an average summer temperature of around 20 degrees Celsius and an average winter temperature of around 6 degrees Celsius.

What kind of cuisine can be sampled in Frejus?

Visitors can sample traditional Provencal cuisine like ratatouille, bouillabaisse, and pissaladiere, as well as international dishes.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020