Frequently asked questions about holiday in Bernkastel Kues
Where is Bernkastel Kues located in Germany?

Bernkastel Kues is located in the Moselle region of Germany.

What activities are available for visitors to Bernkastel Kues?

Visitors to Bernkastel Kues can enjoy a variety of activities, including wine tasting, sightseeing, shopping, outdoor activities such as hiking and cycling, and cultural attractions.

What types of holiday accommodation are available in Bernkastel Kues?

Holiday accommodation in Bernkastel Kues includes hotels, guesthouses, apartments, and holiday homes.

What kind of cuisine is available in Bernkastel Kues?

Bernkastel Kues offers a variety of culinary experiences, including traditional German cuisine, international cuisine, and local Moselle specialties.

What is the best way to get around Bernkastel Kues?

The best way to get around Bernkastel Kues is by foot or bicycle. The city is small and easy to explore on foot or by bike. Public transportation is also available.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020