Answering Your Holiday Home Cadzand FAQs
What is the best time to visit Cadzand for a holiday home rental?

Cadzand is an ideal destination for holiday home rentals all year round, with peak season being between May and September.

What are the best ways to get around Cadzand during a holiday home rental?

Belvilla offers holiday homes in various locations across Cadzand, making it easy for guests to explore the area by foot, bike or car.

What types of accommodation are offered by Belvilla in Cadzand?

Belvilla offers a range of comfortable accommodations including pet-friendly holiday homes, apartments, vacation homes, and those located by the sea, in the park or with swimming pools.

What activities can visitors enjoy during their stay in a Belvilla holiday home in Cadzand?

Cadzand is well-known for its beautiful beaches, nature reserves, and cycling paths. Visitors can also enjoy water sports, golfing, and exploring nearby towns like Sluis and Bruges.

What local cuisine and gastronomy should visitors experience during their holiday home rental in Cadzand?

Cadzand is known for its fresh seafood such as mussels, oysters, and lobster. Visitors can also enjoy local specialities like Zeeuwse bolus and Breskens Pudding during their stay.


40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020