Frequently asked questions about holiday in Alicante
What types of holiday homes are available in Alicante, Spain?

An array of holiday homes is available in Alicante, Spain, ranging from luxury villas to more budget-friendly apartments.

What are some of the activities that can be enjoyed in Alicante?

Alicante offers plenty of activities for its visitors to enjoy, such as sunbathing on the beach, exploring historical sites, visiting local markets, and trying out the delicious local cuisine.

What is the best time of year to visit Alicante?

The best time of year to visit Alicante is during the spring or autumn when the temperature is comfortable, and the crowds are not too large.

What is the local cuisine like in Alicante?

The local cuisine in Alicante is varied and delicious. Popular dishes include paella, Gazpacho, and Jamón.

Is there public transportation available in Alicante?

Yes, Alicante has an excellent public transportation system with buses, trams, and a metro system.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020