Frequently asked questions about holiday in Torremolinos
What is the best time of year to visit Torremolinos?

The best time of year to visit Torremolinos is typically between May and October when the weather is mild and sunny.


Is there a variety of holiday homes available in Torremolinos?

Yes, there is a wide range of holiday homes available in Torremolinos, ranging from luxury apartments and villas to more budget-friendly options.

Are there any activities or attractions nearby?

Yes, there are plenty of activities and attractions nearby, including beaches, shopping malls, amusement parks, and cultural heritage sites.

What is the cost of holiday homes in Torremolinos?

The cost of holiday homes in Torremolinos will depend on a variety of factors, including the size of the property, its location, and the amenities offered.

Is there a convenient way to get around Torremolinos?

Yes, there are several transportation options in Torremolinos, including buses, taxis, and bike paths.

40 years of experience
Average rating of 4+
40k+ homes in Europe
2.8 million guests in 2020